Learning is an important element of leadership. I’m not writing today to restate that fact.
However, I find it interesting when there is a new twist to an existing idea and that is the notion behind my urging to “Adopt a Green Mentality.”
The idea came from Shawn Murphy (Twitter: @Shawmu), the founder of Achieved Strategies when he wrote, 12 Most Necessary Shifts in Leadership Thinking for Today.
I love a good list of insight and definitions and the tenth item on Shawn’s great list was my favorite. It immediately resonated with me. Here are Shawn’s words.
10. Adopt a “Green Mentality”
A colleague once said about professional development: “If you’re ripe you’re rotting; if you’re green you’re growing.” Professional development never ends. A green mentality keeps your mind sharp and your skills fresh.
My call today is for leaders to adopt a green mentality. Join me and make it part of your everyday mission.
Thanks for reading. Lead quietly and think green, be growing.