Quiet leadership is identified and celebrated in the research efforts of Jim Collins and team in
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't
. In the book, Jim Collins and research team look to identify the profile and characteristics that allow good companies to become great companies.
There is no surprise in one key finding. Great companies employ great leaders. However, there is surprise in the book's finding when they profile these great leaders. The reseach team's many interviews, extensive research, and analysis identified that the great leaders in these great companies were not brash, heroic figures but more likely quiet leaders. In the book, Collins labels these leaders as Level 5 leaders. The good to great, Level 5 leaders are self-effacing, quiet, reserved, and even shy.
Hooray for the Quiet Leaders. (This of course is as celebratory as we are allowed!)
Although I have spent a career as a quiet leader, the Good to Great story may have been the first time for me that our quiet approach was so clearly validated as a management style that works and excels. It is nice to be recognized.
I would encourage you to view the Jim Collins web site and lecture hall for additional learning on Level 5 leadership.
www.jimcollins.comThanks for reading.