I’m inspired by lists.
What kind of lists?
All kinds. My favorites include:
To-do lists, bucket lists, blog rolls, checklists, best seller lists, grocery lists, most emailed lists, Forbes richest people lists, reference lists, Fortune 100 Lists, dream list, David Letterman Top Ten Lists and more.
I often get leadership inspiration and insight from a good list. To me, a list from a great thinker like Tom Peters, Seth Godin, Michael Hyatt, Gretchen Rubin will teach, coach, and inspire. And best of all, it may only require a short amount of time to find that one nugget that makes a difference.
Introducing Leaderly & Listable
For the past few weeks, I have been curating and sharing leadership lists in an effort that I have titled, Leaderly & Listable. You can access these lists on this blog on the Leaderly & Listable page or directly on the Leaderly & Listable Scoop.It site.Finally, if you find a good list that you think should be included in this effort, Tweet a link using the hash tag #LdrLst (think Leader List with no vowels). I can include the list in this effort.
Thanks for reading. Please lead quietly.