Learning and curiosity is one of the key elements of quiet leadership as defined on this blog. My personal carnival of learning at Lead Quietly would include these posts:
In Curiosity, Passion and Leadership, Steve elevates the value of curiosity, by proposing that a curious mind-set that can be used as a yard stick to measure passion. As he writes,
As leaders, we should show our curiosity, it comes across as passion. And when asked, "What's in your mindset?" Show your curiosity and passion.
Thanks Steve for the new insight.
Thanks for reading. Please lead quietly and show your passion, ahhhh, I mean curiosity.
- It's All About Learning
- It's All About Learning - Part Deux
- Fixed or Growth, What's in your mindset?
- Mindset, it will profoundly affect everything.
In Curiosity, Passion and Leadership, Steve elevates the value of curiosity, by proposing that a curious mind-set that can be used as a yard stick to measure passion. As he writes,
Leaders value people who display a never-ending curiosity for the many facets of the business. Similarly, successful employees of every ilk display a never-ending curiosity that emerges as "passion" in a meeting room filled with people.Steve encourages leaders to hire and promote people with passion where you measure passion by sensing their curiosity.
What better measure of passion than curiosity?
You can see it's presence or absence in interviews, meetings, telephone conversations, or luncheon chatter. You can display it and you can discern it.
As leaders, we should show our curiosity, it comes across as passion. And when asked, "What's in your mindset?" Show your curiosity and passion.
Thanks Steve for the new insight.
Thanks for reading. Please lead quietly and show your passion, ahhhh, I mean curiosity.
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